Winterizing & New Opportunities!


This is the time of year to consider winterizing your property.  Will you be visiting the lake in the winter months?  Will you be able to check on your home if we receive one of those overnight freeze events? 

What about your HVAC equipment?  Have you changed the filters in your units in a while?  Industry standards recommend changing filters every month!  

Winter (October - February for us) is also the time of year to take care of projects that you want to have ready by the Memorial Day Weekend Party.  What ideas do you have - Can we help you with those? 

Perhaps you need to winterize, change your filters, and finish that project.  Contact our office and we will be glad to help you!  (940.779.3101 or

New Opportunities 

Have you realized we have a new person in our office? Kerry's wife has joined our team.  Cheryl is with us 2 days a week.   

LynDee & Cheryl are scheduled to attend a training in December regarding financing and service agreements.  We have found that adding an option for customers to finance their equipment purchases and the opportunity to have a service agreement (for many of the things mentioned earlier!) is what you want.  So we are going to learn! 

A Thankful Time of Year 

We so value the service we can provide to you and the opportunity to be your mechanical contracting and service company on Possum Kingdom Lake.  Please let us know what we may do to better serve you. 

Many Thanks for You!